Tag Archives: health and safety

Active Living Helps You Keep on Trucking!

Trucking jobs canada


How much activity do you participate in during the course of the week?

Active living is an approach to life that values physical activity at work, at school, at home, and during leisure time.

Active Living is not the same as a workout program. It is a conscious effort to be active every day of your life. Physical activity should never be rigorous.  It could be as simple as parking further away at the store and walking longer.  It could be gardening, playing with the kids, taking the dog for a walk, taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

This is easier than you think and here are some tips to help you keep on trucking! Continue reading

Drivers’ Health and Safety on the Road

Did you know that over 800,000 Canadians over the age of 18 have been diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea?  Recent studies show a strong correlation between sleep apnea related fatigue and vehicle crashes.

Do you know if you have sleep apnea?

While driving Your Lane do you find yourself fighting sleepiness? Do you wake up with headaches, sore throats, or unable to concentrate? Do you have memory lose, feel irritable or depressed?  These are all common symptoms of sleep apnea and we recommend visiting your physician asap.

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